03 547 4567

59 Quarantine Road Nelson

Quality beds, direct from the manufacturer.

It may help to know...

Foam Density

Density is the weight of product in the measurement of kg/m3.

Foam Hardness

Hardener is mixed with the foam to determine how it feels (etc soft/firm)
Foams are put into categories from light use to extremely severe use. All our foams are in the severe / extremely severe categories.

Natural Latex

Superior comfort and lasting orthopaedic support are maximised by the fact that Natural Latex adapts to your body weight and contours to your body thus becoming more comfortable as time goes by. Natural Latex is proven to be significantly: antibacterial, non-allergenic, dust free because of its open celled breathing properties resists moisture build-up, giving superior health benefits.

Gentle Support

Contrary to popular belief, a bed does not have to be hard to be healthy. Natural Rest® Beds use proven coil suspension systems, each designed as the heart of the beds support (pocket and monocoil spring systems).
These coils suspensions allow the bed to mould to your body shape but keep your spine straight. The marvel of these systems is that they negate side motion, the primary cause of partner disturbance and roll together.

Your spine should always be kept straight.


When I first came to Nelson Beds I was impressed by the information and knowledge that was given to me. Dave was so helpful in helping me make my decision and its been one of the best decisions I have ever made, my bed is so comfortable, I don't experience any more back pain due to the fillers that I choose with their help.  Thank you so much Nelson beds.
Joan, Brightwater.

59 Quarantine Road



New Zealand